Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year - 2009

Well, as I enter 2009, my New Year Resolution is to BLOG< BLOG< BLOG - so what better way than to actually Blog.

Photo of my dog Ace enjoying the afternoon at the Dog Park

We started the New Year off with a bang. We "Dog Lovers" hang out at the Tybee Dog Park between 3-4pm most afternoons and the human side of the dog park decided that all of the rescue dogs that we did not know their birthday would celebrate their birthdays on New Years Day. So the humans went home and baked home make doggie treats and human treats (peanut butter cookies) for the celebration. New Years Day arrived and it was cold with a brisk wind. But, it did not stop the dog lovers in all of us as well anyone on Tybee that would not show up at a party....come rain, winds.... So, about 20 dogs and their human ended up at the Tybee Dog Park @ 3:00pm on New Years Day. Lots of tail wagging and the treats were passed around including some sparkling cider for the humans. The dogs were all very polite and would sit to receive their treat and then ran off to chase one another. We all had a wonderful time. So, remember if you have a rescue dog how important it is to remember his/her New Years Birthday.
I am also including the recipe for Ace's Dog Cookies
Basic Yeast Dog Treats****
Mix together 3 1/2 cup unbleached flour, 2 cup whole wheat flour, 1 cup cornmeal 1/2 cup skim milk powder1 tablespoon (or 1 package) dry yeast3 1/2 cups lukewarm chicken or meat brothDissolve the yeast in the lukewarm chicken or meat broth. The richer this broth is, the better your dog will like the biscuits. Let yeast broth mixture set 10 min. Then stir in flour mixture. Roll resulting dough out 1/4" thick. Cut dog biscuit shapes from dough. Brush biscuits with egg wash. Bake on greased cookie sheets at 300* for 45 min. Then turn off oven and leave in overnight to finish hardening. Makes 60 medium-sized biscuits
Also, please support Marantha Farms in Ridgleand South Carolina - it is the wonderful farm that rescued Ace and where we found our wonderful little dog. Please visit their website

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